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Автор:  TUS_Samuel [ Пт 01-08-2008, 14:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Колонна из танков и машинок в G4, группа танков и машинок в F5. Таскать по две-три бомбы туда никто не хочет, поэтому все летают тупо на буффах и пытаются не дать синим штурмить.

Автор:  TUS_Prapor [ Пт 01-08-2008, 14:27 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

TUS_Sender писал(а):
Сэм, я чтото не помню, а там для неё где целито? Красные там обычно выкачивали наземку на буфах с бомбами, кстати сам принимал в этом участие, но стратегических целей я там непомню.

Сенд, вспомни цели в Г4.4 и Ф5 (открыть не могу карты на сайте - висит? :? )
Там танки, которые я с удовольствием посыплю даже с бреющего на Бэтти... Вполне подходящая для Бэтти цель ИМХО
А на буффах там ковыряться - жесть...

З.Ы. Синхронно написали :lol:

Автор:  TUS_Samuel [ Пт 01-08-2008, 16:52 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Кстати в синих целях только 6 танков на всей карте

Автор:  MEDAL [ Чт 29-10-2009, 22:32 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re:

TUS_Aceton писал(а):
Хуриков на карту :!: :!: :!:

+1 ))

Автор:  Stoz [ Вт 05-04-2011, 15:58 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1939_3_1_Polska

Такой вопрос: у поляков был бомбер PZL P-37B "Лось"... он же вроде успел поучаствовать?

During the Invasion of Poland, from 4 September onward the planes of the Bomber Brigade were attacking German armoured columns in day attacks, forced by the desperate situation to perform this mission for which they were not designed (the original plans to bomb targets inside Germany were quickly abandoned). Most notably, they hampered the advance of the 16th Armoured Corps near Częstochowa and Radomsko. They suffered heavy losses due to lack of fighter protection, especially because they usually operated in units of no more than three aircraft at a time. The last combat flights took place on 16 September. During the campaign, the combat units were reinforced with several other aircraft, and about 46 PZL.37s were used in combat. Of Bomber Brigade, ten PZL.37s were shot down by fighters, five shot down by enemy anti-aircraft artillery, two bombed on the ground and a further ten lost in other ways. A number of not fully completed, training or reserve PZL.37s were also destroyed on airfields and in factories (18 PZL.37s were bombed in a reserve base in Małaszewicze and in a factory in Warsaw - Okęcie).

Twenty-six or twenty-seven PZL.37s (17 from the Bomber Brigade and ten training ones) were withdrawn in 1939 to Romania. In October 1940, they were seized by the Romanian government and 23 were next used by the Romanian air force in the 4th Group, consisting of the 76th and 77th bomber escadres. Some were uparmed with four machine guns (the Polish PWU machineguns were still used). About one third were lost in crashes due to lack of experience of Romanian pilots with the PZL.37's handling and its high wing loading, and due to engine faults. About 15 were used against the USSR from 22 June 1941. Among others, they first operated in Bessarabia, then they were bombing Kiev and Odessa. Some were lost, mostly due to anti-aircraft fire. Due to a lack of spare parts, the remaining planes were withdrawn from the front in October 1941 and used for training. In April 1944, the 76th escadrille returned to combat, with nine aircraft, but it was withdrawn from the front on 3 May 1944. After Romania joined the Allies, on 1 September 1944, German aircraft destroyed five PZL.37s on a ground.

Автор:  Erich [ Вт 05-04-2011, 16:13 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1939_3_1_Polska

Лось был, участвовал (символически, но участвовал), в ил-2 он только как модный идет.

А еще Карась был :)

Автор:  Stoz [ Ср 06-04-2011, 15:25 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1939_3_1_Polska

у меня, к сожалению, на ноуте ила под рукой нет, вроде какой-то там крафт был, очень похожий на Лося...

Автор:  Erich [ Ср 06-04-2011, 18:55 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1939_3_1_Polska

ДБ-3Ф очень похож на лося, он же ил-4. Если обкуриться чего нить, то G4M1 станет похож. :)

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