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Ищу Aces Hi... - Позарез надо ...
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Зарегистрирован: Сб 23-02-2002, 10:53 Сообщения: 259 Откуда: Tomsk, Russia
look topic 
_________________ Кто свверху тот и папа
(закономерность воздушного боя)
Сб 23-02-2002, 15:41 |
Живая Легенда
Зарегистрирован: Пн 18-02-2002, 02:07 Сообщения: 2299 Откуда: Tomsk
_________________ Клянусь своей треуголкой!
Сб 23-02-2002, 17:25 |
Зарегистрирован: Пт 22-02-2002, 10:43 Сообщения: 38
Кися! Уже доступна версия 1.07.
И новые карты, Германия и еще чего-то, вроде Норвегия...
Твоя крошка Бу! :love:  mas:
_________________ Ухх!!!
Вс 24-02-2002, 09:18 |
Зарегистрирован: Сб 23-02-2002, 11:22 Сообщения: 300
Ну и где эта новая версия-то?
_________________ Камаз с ирисками - это круто!
Пн 25-02-2002, 11:21 |
Живая Легенда
Зарегистрирован: Пн 18-02-2002, 02:07 Сообщения: 2299 Откуда: Tomsk
Во превых не 1.07, а 1.087 :p
Во вторых 1.086 отличается от 1.087 я даже сам еще не знаю чем. Апдейт весит всего 250кб. Лежит теперь там же.
Edited By Barmaley on Feb. 24 2002 at 14:05
_________________ Клянусь своей треуголкой!
Пн 25-02-2002, 13:04 |
Зарегистрирован: Пт 22-02-2002, 10:43 Сообщения: 38
Ну я думаю, что все поняли....Ну все же аптейт...
И карты еще...
А меня все поучают...Во первых, во вторых!!!!
УУУууууууууууу! Волчонок на луну!!! Уууууу! (жалобно так) :black:
И все мне языки показывают! Ууууууууууууууууу!
_________________ Ухх!!!
Пн 25-02-2002, 14:01 |
Зарегистрирован: Сб 23-02-2002, 10:53 Сообщения: 259 Откуда: Tomsk, Russia
спасибо  mas:
_________________ Кто свверху тот и папа
(закономерность воздушного боя)
Вт 26-02-2002, 12:52 |
Зарегистрирован: Пт 22-02-2002, 10:43 Сообщения: 38
А между прочим, уже версия 1.091 есть :p :p :p
Aces High 1.091
А это, что там о версии 1.09
Version 1.09 Released Version 1.09 has been released and is available on our webpage or from the auto-updater. There is a patch that will update 1.08 patch 6 or path 7 to 1.09. If you have an older version than that, you will need to download the base.
Aces High Version 1.09 README.TXT ---------------------------------
For more detailed information on the new voice and strat systems, please visit the help section of our webpage or download the updated help file. For support, please email us at [email]support@hitechcreations.com.[/email]
1.09 CHANGES ------------
AHVOICE is now integrated into Aces High.
Added a new film viewer/editor. This is a separate executable that can be launched from your start menu.
Modified the strategic and resupply system. Updated current arena terrains to reflect the changes.
Radio bar has been changed to a transparent window. The alpha can be adjusted in Setup->GUI.
Added the following planes: Spitfire I, Hurricane I, Bf 109E-4, Bf 110C-4, Bf 110G-2, and Ki-67.
A room list now appears when players are in the tower or when they pull up the radio bar. This list includes all players who are in your "room" (hangar, tower, or maproom). The range channel (F12) talks to these people through AHVOICE. If you have changed your keymap in the past, you will need to manually map this function in your keymap.
Clipboard map icon now flash when the target is under attack. When a new target comes under attack, a short audible warning sounds to all players in the country. An air raid siren is triggered at the target being attacked.
The Arena Selection screen now shows ping times for available arenas. Highlighting an arena in the list and clicking Ping Details shows additional information about the connection to that arena.
A Master Volume has been added to Setup->Sounds which controls all volumes with the exception of voice.
Added new fields maps to the clipboard map displayer. These maps are not included in the patch and will be available as a separate download.
New arena variables include:
SectorCounterAlt - Controls minimum altitude above the terrain before a player shows up on sector counters.
WarningFlags[pcMAX_COUNTRY] - Controls which models (fighter, bomber, vehicle, boat) trigger air raid warnings.
FighterWarningRange, BomberWarningRange, VehicleWarningRange, BoatWarningRange - The range (in feet) from each field, factory, city or HQ when warning is triggered.
RadarUpdateRate - Controls the time in seconds between updating both sector counters and dots on radar. Example - If set to 20 seconds, the dot on your clipboard will only move every 20 seconds.
WEP now toggles off when engine shuts off.
Cargo can no longer be loaded at resupply points.
All CV's now take 8x1000lbs to be destroyed.
Autogunners have been changed to take angular velocity into account when aiming. They will no longer target through hillsides or buildings.
Fire rate on trains has been cut in half.
The .showjoin command now takes a parameter of 0 or 1. 0 - pop-ups off, 1 - pop-ups on. The pop-ups now have a button to disable the pop-up message boxes.
Map room now displays field numbers on the map table.
GV's can now be hit slightly below the water line.
Drop tanks and rockets now display after a weapon reload from the rearm pad.
Craters no longer show up on water.
CC numbers can be changed through the Admin button on the Aces High startup clipboard.
Enemy and friendly collisions settings have been re-enabled for the CM's.
Missions can no longer be submitted with an end time later than the arena night time.
The Hurricane IIC and IID now have the aux fuel tank enabled.
Increased the rate of fire on the Breda 12.7mm machine-gun.
Lowered the Ki-61 20mm rate of fire to reflect the synchronized mounting.
21cm rockets now fire at an upward angle according to their mounting.
Wheel brakes now ramp up in effect as you apply them.
The rocket tubes on the 109-G6 no longer disappear after firing.
Deleted an incorrect bomb loadout option on the Hurricane IIC.
F6F and N1K2 now visibly leak fuel from the correct wing when hit.
Added the option for rear-firing cannons on the Ar 234.
CM stuff -------- Squad Name is now logged in event logging.
Data2 in EndFlight log shows KillerGameID if the player was killed, field number if they landed successfully.
А это о патче 1.091
1.09 Patch 1 has been released. If you already have 1.09 installed, the update size is only 430KB.
1.09 PATCH 1 CHANGES ------------
Bf 110G-2 rocket load has been fixed and the plane is enabled.
Bf 110G-2 drop tanks now load correct amount of fuel.
Ki-67 enemy icon now displays correctly.
Hurricane I missing icon bug has been fixed.
Bf 109E-4 tailwheel now rests on the ground when the plane is stopped.
Players will only hear an attack warning every five minutes at the most.
Added squad and mission channels to voice.
Channel list now filters out all players on open and country channels.
Channel list now shows players name when privately tuned.
Volume adjusters for "warning" and "airraid" now work correctly.
Changed the ammo loadout on the Bf 109E.
Fixed the power on the Bf 109E, it should now match the performance charts.
The weight of 21cm rockets was made heavier.
The weight of the 20mm pod on the Bf 110G was made heavier.
External ordnance on the Bf 110G now adds drag.
Changed the color of the text that displays who is transmitting on voice. Transmissions in purple are on the range channel and transmissions in yellow are on the tuned channel.
Fixed a bug that made CV's spawn incorrectly.
Added a new system variable to control how quickly CV's can respawn.
Fixed a bug that could hang the voice module if you alt-tabbed.
Гы-гы-гы... :p
_________________ Ухх!!!
Сб 16-03-2002, 13:03 |
Зарегистрирован: Сб 23-02-2002, 11:22 Сообщения: 300
Кто бы её в Томск вытялнул, эту новую версию...
_________________ Камаз с ирисками - это круто!
Сб 16-03-2002, 15:16 |
Живая Легенда
Зарегистрирован: Пн 18-02-2002, 02:07 Сообщения: 2299 Откуда: Tomsk
Качается все еще. Игра растолстела с 22мб, до 26мб. Причем апдейт от старой к более новой весит аж 12мб...
За что я и люблю AH. Ее постоянно вылизывают и доделывают. Не то что некторые другие игры. Не будем тыкать.
_________________ Клянусь своей треуголкой!
Сб 16-03-2002, 22:36 |
Високосный болтун
Зарегистрирован: Ср 27-02-2002, 19:25 Сообщения: 515
pal'cem? ili 4em-to drugim?
Kisya! xa4u logovo ved'm suda 
_________________ Дуся! Даешь!
(длину проверил)
Вс 17-03-2002, 21:12 |
Зарегистрирован: Пт 22-02-2002, 10:43 Сообщения: 38
А зачем тебе в Томске логово ведьм?
Вам что, своих ведбм не хватает? :p
_________________ Ухх!!!
Пн 18-03-2002, 04:19 |
Живая Легенда
Зарегистрирован: Пн 18-02-2002, 02:07 Сообщения: 2299 Откуда: Tomsk
Закачалось лежит там же на ftp://ftp2.npi.tpu.ru
Как зачем логово ведьм? Риторический вопрос 
_________________ Клянусь своей треуголкой!
Пн 18-03-2002, 10:24 |
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