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BOB - Битва за Британию 
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Зарегистрирован: Ср 13-06-2007, 09:21
Сообщения: 1548
Мне вот что интересно: будет ли возможность на картах для догфайта использовать движущиеся наземные объекты... или иначе будут ли устранены ограничения 8 человек для ко-опной схемы? Насколько я знаю вроде как в догфайте будет возможность использовать ботов.

Пн 17-12-2007, 17:02
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Зарегистрирован: Вс 17-12-2006, 20:30
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tus_INDY писал(а):
или иначе будут ли устранены ограничения 8 человек для ко-опной схемы?

Multiplayer option - 32 at minimum, dogfights, cooperative and team play modes with basic and special maps.

Кратк. - сест. тал.

Пн 17-12-2007, 17:21

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
12-21-2007, 11:57 AM
Oleg Maddox
Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24


I will be absent next week, so better to wish now: Merry Christmas!

Below is the last of this year development update.
Note: it is work in progress. We may see other final result in future

Screenshots of Bf-109 internal construction that to show the complexity of the work and for understanding of time that we need to spend for development. Sample: Up to 20 separate damages of single engine modelled.


We also will have a big boat flying in BoB. It will be controlled by AI:


The grass in 3D engine. Note: it is just test version. Finally of course it will look way better. Currently we are on final stage where defined all the features of our new 3D engine. Some of them will be hidden in release that to be open with the series life in time. But to put them we need already now as a future feature… Grass will be in release. It is moving under the wind. The size of grass will also play real role for the wheels of aircraft…


Be happy in new year!

ScreenShots_001.jpg [ 78.24 КБ | Просмотров: 14080 ]
ScreenShots_002.jpg [ 91.03 КБ | Просмотров: 14094 ]
Чт 17-01-2008, 23:59
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Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
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s25.jpg [ 29.2 КБ | Просмотров: 14067 ]
s25a.jpg [ 37.03 КБ | Просмотров: 14063 ]

Последний раз редактировалось CheshireCat Пт 18-01-2008, 00:05, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Пт 18-01-2008, 00:00
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Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
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Откуда: Надым-Томск

grass.jpg [ 116.94 КБ | Просмотров: 14076 ]
Пт 18-01-2008, 00:00
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Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
12-21-2007, 09:33 AM
Oleg Maddox
Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
1. Will we have animated livestock (sheep, cows, dogs) and will we have moving people running, walking, working and fighting in the virtual world below us...It would be wonderful to have soldiers react to diving Stuka...and it would feel quite satisfying to watch people run as you strafe an airfield (I know their is an issue with graphic gore, but maybe people could just fall down when they are killed, no blood or dismemberment). It would help with the feelings of being immersed in the world of the game...as disturbing as the notion may be it feels quite satisfying to see the effect of your actions on a "living" enemy...And lastly could we have flying birds as an obstacle/hazard of flight? (this was a big problem at many front line airfields)

Some sort of it. Not at all… you wouldn’t have such a PC that would render all sort of your request on a great size of surface below together with a lot of very well detailed aircraft in air + AI of different actors + physics + many other things. However, no blood. I told already about it in previews answers

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. My second question is about future development of the "Storm of War" series...Can I look forward to fighting and flying in the skys of the Pacific at some point in the future? As much as I love the European theater I also love the Pacific theater and I would very much like (and I'm not alone here) to have a "Pacific theater" game based on your wonderful new game engine...please,please,please

It is too early to say, but after the BoB we plan other theater, which never was modeled yet well…

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3. I have a question about the weapons functionality of Bombs and Torpedos.
While the Bomb is falling or the torpedo is running in water and the Player get killed or crashed before they detonate, will they do anyhow a damage??
I can't remember read or heard anything about that.

In BoB will be right. In Il-2 we will stay with it as it is. In BoB is completely new online code (doesn’t matter for single or online)

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
4. Could the damage on the planes be contiued on the next mission so you dont have new planes every single mission?

Yes, we plan it. How much in detail – can’t answer right now. If you’ll look on second DVD (video) of our 1946 release (2DVDs) – there is the video of some part prepared for that feature.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
5. Dear Oleg;

Sorry if I'm asking an already answered question, yet "checkRuntime=2" as we know conflicts when running different O.S.'s.....(Xp with Vista as an example)....

Can anything be done to resolve this issue, up to and possibly even getting help from Microsoft?..........This one point alone is keeping some from using checkRuntime=2, setting it to "1" instead.

In Il-2 it is already impossible. Really it is not our problem in code, but in BoB we are doing new things, so such a problem shouldn’t be present.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
6. An anti-cheating measures question to Oleg: will we still have to rely a 3rd party program to ensure things are as they should be?

And to add, will support be added so ladders between clans are easier to arrange?

We are not able to rework completely code of Il-2 and its packing. For this we need too much time that we haven’t due to developing of completely new code for BoB series. My team is totally busy. And I would say more: I still haven’t enough people in my office that to work without overloading of each of my guys.
In BoB we will have all these things absolutely other. There will be so many new things for all, even for third party, but that will not damage the fair online gameplay.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
7. a). Will there be more accurate modeling of night vision (eg. flashes from firing a gun etc.) It can take up to ten minutes for eyesight to recover after being exposed to a very bright light (like a searchlight). In Il-2 the blindness lasts less than 10 seconds!
b). Will we be able to set the phase of the moon (time of month, full moon, half moon, moonless etc.)
c). Will any of the British nightfighters being planned carry their own, airborne searchlights?
d). Will there be flocks of geese to hit at night

a) Different people would have blindness for different time. Try to use yourself the light source in a almost dark room that to get the answer. Try with your friend. But don’t use too power light of camera flash for such experiments!
b) Don’t know at the moment all final detail. But the time of month - year is possible to set in IL-2 if you know how to make it
c) with release - no. But it is possible in future
d) Some sort of birds probably will be.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
8. Hello Oleg

I've been flying the IL-2 series almost exclusively since the Beta test days. I've also flown Rowans and Shockwaves BOB WOV off and on since that series began. Recently I have been flying alot of BOB WOV since the stability of the 2.07 patch and because of the engine start procedures, and the ability to simulate refueling and rearming. These few things add alot of immersion for me.

I know you have some sort of rearming and refuelling simulation planned for SOW but I think I remember reading that you weren't too interested in simulating clickable cockpits. I'm not interested in clickable cockpits either, but enjoy having the option to map the fuel cocks, magneto's, fuel pump, and start switch to my Hotas. Do you have any plans to implement optional switches in the Controls section of SOW?

Third party would do it I think. Models of aircraft has all features that to program it.
However we don’t plan to make for each aircraft 100% precise start of engine, etc… They are too different and not like it is in simulator above in most cases…
Some aircraft has 20 operations, some up to 40… for each aircraft we would need some sort of flight manual (Pilot Notes) in such a case. This is possible if we would make the sim of just one, or say couple of aircraft. But we will have way more… and we don’t plan to continue development of SOW engine and BoB itself 3 years more.
In my very personal opinion – the main thing in a flight sim of WWII is how the plane is fly and its physics in total + plus features and physics of the weapon and the damage that this weapon would do… say the complexity of the internal construction of aircraft… This would make sim way more realistic that to model instead of it the starting procedure… the gameplay would be in this case more better than the game play with immersion of only starting procedure. Yes, I would say it is also interesting, but for less than 1 % of users… that will use it constantly and will not switch off right after the first attempt.
Last edited by Oleg Maddox : 12-21-2007 at 09:44 AM.


Пт 18-01-2008, 00:21
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Ср 13-06-2007, 09:21
Сообщения: 1548
3. I have a question about the weapons functionality of Bombs and Torpedos.
While the Bomb is falling or the torpedo is running in water and the Player get killed or crashed before they detonate, will they do anyhow a damage??
I can't remember read or heard anything about that.

In BoB will be right. In Il-2 we will stay with it as it is. In BoB is completely new online code (doesn’t matter for single or online)

Додумались, ёпть..... есть такая игруха "Шторм", "Шторм:Солдаты Неба" - там так изначально было.

Пт 18-01-2008, 09:15
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Зарегистрирован: Вт 17-08-2004, 08:21
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Ну травку можно было и в Ил2 реализовать просто играть бы никто не смог. Судя по скринам это глубокий апгрейт иловского движка, ну хоть кокпиты приятные глазу это радует

Бей фашисткую гадину !

Пт 18-01-2008, 10:50

Зарегистрирован: Ср 13-06-2007, 09:21
Сообщения: 1548
Мне вот что интересно - будет ли движок гибким в отношении требований к производительности системы?.. Или же они выродят монстра, которого рядовой пользователь сможет приемлимо запустить только через год-два после релиза?

Пт 18-01-2008, 11:04
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Зарегистрирован: Вс 06-11-2005, 18:38
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Ты на графику посмотри, чтоб это всё перемолотить придётся пять лет без отпуска работать, а они ещё обещали дорожное джижение в Лондоне - пипец, охота за трамваями.

.... делай что должен, и будь, что будет ...

Пт 18-01-2008, 16:02
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Зарегистрирован: Вт 27-06-2006, 13:40
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Откуда: Северск
Еще наверняка сделают поддержку директХ10... и тогда уж придется на Висту переезжать... :dark2:

Пт 18-01-2008, 16:28
Профиль ICQ

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
TUS_Sey писал(а):
Еще наверняка сделают поддержку директХ10... и тогда уж придется на Висту переезжать... :dark2:

если мне не изменяет память, то ОМ сказал, что dx10 вроде как не будет,
ибо не графика является основным приоритетом..
или у них какие-то непонятки с мелкософтом, не помню...

Пт 18-01-2008, 19:36
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Зарегистрирован: Чт 28-12-2006, 16:49
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OpenGL рулит :)

В данном сообщении высказано личное мнение, которое не обязано быть верным. Также это мнение не обязано совпадать с общепринятым

Сб 19-01-2008, 00:30
Профиль ICQ

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
TUS_Gene писал(а):
OpenGL рулит :)

и я так думаю, и ОМ так думает 8)
грил, что благодыря тому, что opengl является
opensource продуктом, то он по прежнему будет
являтся приоритетным :super:

Сб 19-01-2008, 01:07
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
02-05-2008, 02:07 PM
Oleg Maddox
Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 29


Would like to introduce the training aircraft of BoB.
This plane we will use for training campaign as well as it will be possible to use for online training with two pilots inside (one instructor and one – trainer)
Attention: This model isn’t finished yet.
Special thanks to Sean Trestrail! He did a lot of photos of small details as well as he was flying this real aircraft.

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Tygermoth00002.jpg [ 219.43 КБ | Просмотров: 14067 ]
Tygermoth00003.jpg [ 287.09 КБ | Просмотров: 14062 ]
Вт 19-02-2008, 19:04
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск

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Tygermoth00010.jpg [ 236.05 КБ | Просмотров: 14059 ]

Последний раз редактировалось CheshireCat Пн 24-03-2008, 15:56, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Вт 19-02-2008, 19:04
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
01-24-2008, 12:36 PM
Oleg Maddox
Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 29

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
1. I have a question concerning the damage model: If one of the parts shown on the pictures is hit, will it definitively be damaged or is a probability function used to determine the damage done.

For example:

Compressor is hit by a machine gun bullet:
In 50% of the cases the bullet bounces of and nothing happens,
in 10% of the cases the compressor will be damaged but still works with decreased performance and in all other cases the compressor will be completely damaged.

Yes, something like this.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. will we have windsocks at airfields showing us wind strenght and wind direction in real time ?

We plan it. 3D models of windsocks already done.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
and air currents like cross winds, tail winds affecting our aircrafts on takeoff and landings ?

There is no such term as tail wind. The result that tail is moving off the common direction (axe of moving comparing to the axe of aircraft) is the result of cross wind action and aerodynamics of aircraft.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3. My question to you is about how the new SoW engine will handle aircraft loadouts - outfittings and ordanance, like bombs, rockets, droptanks, tropical filters, cannon gondolas etc.

The current Il-2 engine seems to handle each loadout as if it was a different aircraft.
A 109 has different model if it has a bomb, if it`s a clean fighter etc. There are only pre-sets to choose from, and they work like a bit if they would a 'new' aircraft type, each pre-set loadout with its own flight model etc.

Will SoW : BoB feature more freedom to us in this regard - a modular selection of loadouts? Meaning, selection of individual components to add (guns, droptanks, bombs, all selected individually), instead of choosing pre-set?s

Shall we be able to select ANY mixture of equipments our liking, ie. say, I want to have a G-6, add a /U4 modification so it would have an MK 108, an R VI gondola kit for extra 20mm wing cannons, and as an odd selection, I also choose to carry a 250 kg bomb ? Add a tropical filter if I want? Or an external armored glass for an Emil or Friedrich ? Any combination of the above (within historical limits of the aircraft).

We can then check boxes when selecting the aircraft we want to fly, to select desired individual equipment modules, instead of just choosing from 3-4 fixed presets.

This especially applies to bombers, will there be only pre-set bombloads to choose from, or we can set up our own mixture (within historical limits of plane of course)? There could be a lot of combinations for these, and currently Il-2 only allows for only a limited number, not covering all historical possibilities.

I understand this is not so much of an issue for the BoB - fighters had very limited external stores, if any at the time - but in a later edition of BoB : SoW, as it gets expanded it will become more important.

Will loadouts have a historical date associated with them, ie. if a given loadout was not used before a certain date, then it would be only available for choosing if the date is proper? Say special types of bombs introduced in 1943 (in later addons) not being available for choosing for missions in 1942?

Really in Il-2 is modular construction for _each_ modification of aircraft. So if you choose other loadout it isn’t other model of aircraft, but we add 3D modules for the basic 3D model of this aircraft.
Exception is only when we make the same aircraft using by other nation because there is other weapon, bombs, etc.. In this case we use other 3D model of the same aircraft.
In BoB such system is more advanced.
In IL-2 is restriction that to do not use late models in early years missions for online gameplay. For single play it is defined by mission designer.
In Online it is also defined by designer of online mission. See mission builder.
In finally… It is really impossible to cover ALL historical things in a sigle product. Or probably possible, when to develop the sim of only one aircraft model/modification.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
4. Oleg, are we going to get a competent mission builder tool in BOB SOW equal to the old MSFT CFS2 or Jane's WW2 Fighters Mission Builder?

If you mean triggers – yes. Design of new mission builder we will keep almost the same with the changes in architecture and features comparing to IL-2’s FMB. This will help IL-2 users, who was building good missions to start with BoB immediately after release. It was already discussed more than a year ago on forums.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
5. Did the "hack" of IL-2, slow the development of SOW Bob?.....in general, you have been silent on this issue, please comment if you would

We do not have any plans to support IL-2 anymore. We are 500% busy with BoB and following after that series. 4.09m will be the last. The protection from cheaters will make other group of enthusiasts that are in contact with me. We will be able only to answer their questions, but will do nothing ourselves in code. Simply, because no time. 4.09 is some user’s made add-on. Our work is only to check and compile.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
6. Small question from me here: Will it be corrected?

I noticed kind of bug on maps with water above 0m in perfect mode, water=2.

The waves with the reflections appear to be at 0 meters, although the surface of the lake is much higher. One can see through the landscape, so to speak.

No. All our own maps are designed with 0 water altitude. It was defined by 3D landscape engine. Other maps are third party made where present such thing. They did it especially, even it was known that it isn’t supported.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
7. In il2 online most servers have skin download set to 'OFF'. Now we have some great new default skins with 4.09 patch, but sometimes the skins do not fit with a particular map/scenario.
Would it be possible to have more than one default skin per plane in SoW?
For example:
default 1= Winter skin
default 2=summer skin
default 3=desert skin

In Il-2 is exactly like you described above. There is 3 types of default skins as a feature, but not for all it is done with the skins. The proper skin automatically loads when we use summer, winter or desert maps (if the last is done by us)

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
8. Does the version 4.08m comprise the propeller position?
I am not interested in the level of that mentioned.
I'm only interested in the fact if the version includes the propeller position.

I don’t understand your question. It you mean manual control of propeller pitch, then it is in any version beginning form original Il-2. Use settings Complex Engine management, then you’ll get access to manual pitch if present (if not constant pitch or only auto on some of little amount aircraft).
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
9. (1) What i'd really like to know is if there will Custom Squadron Insigna/Regimentals for Coops and Online gameplay. Also will there be online squadron command & control upport in the interface like current pilot rosters, killbaords, pilot records ect. for online squadrons. If not could these things be added by 3rd party.

In BoB we have much more than in IL-2 for online gameplay. And with the possibility to add new things by third parties.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
(2) If i resend you the Regimental Files that i gave you after Pacfic-Fighters was realesed...could we mayby get at least the 58th Fighter Group 5th AF coded in the game so the regimentals for thess squadron's will show in the FMB & Coop Screens? I know that there is little time but it's been over 2 years now. i still have the file if you want it.

For Il-2 series we do not accept anything else anymore already long time. The works that will be present in 4.09 are the things that we promised… but coming only now because of third party… too late for us to change something more
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
10. I know the game engine will feature dynamic campaigns, but will there also be any sort of static campaign following the historic events for each day as they can be read in history books (with the approximate numbers of raids and the targets for those raids - airfields or London etc.)?
Will there be historically accurate weather for each of those days (I mean will there be ex. fog/rain/clear on certain days in the campaign)?

There will be static campaign for the training. Beginning from theory in flight school and ending in aerial battle.
The dynamic campaign itself we will try to make close to real things, but you know that it isn’t the case where it is very possible. In original Il-2 we did static campaign very close to real things in terms you are asking. But in BoB we will keep the feature of static campaign and third parties will be able to make own alternative or very historical campaign.
01-24-2008, 12:37 PM
Oleg Maddox
Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 29

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
11. You have mentioned the network code is being greatly or even totally reworked. At present Il2 1946 is one of the few games that can be played with pings ranging from 0 to 500 plus quite easily.
Will the code of Storm of War be as accommodating?

Will, if to switch off some of features.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Secondly, will Storm of War allow moving objects (tanks and ships) during online play? This cannot be done in online play with Il2.

It is done in Il-2 in all online modes except Doghfight mode. In BoB will be special Doghfight mode (one of dogfight modes), when some of objects also will be moveable and even controllable by user.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Being a regular flyer on the ADW servers, I was wondering whether Storm of War would accommodate similar statistics and online play?
Also mission times are limited to one hour segments in ADW (Il2 Commander), will Storm of War allow longer online missions, even perhaps a persistent online universe?

Can’t answer now. We will have own system for this purpose as well as it will be open for third parties.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
12. A few months ago there was a rumor in the SimHQ forum that there will be a Tiger Moth
and a german trainer airplane( Bücker Jungmann or FW 44 Stieglitz) flyable in SOW.

Is that true, and if... what will be the german one?

Will be only one with release – Tiger Moth.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
13. Will Device Link or another type of interface will be available for SOW when online for simpits?


Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
14. 1) I hate to throw this question out now (hours after you posted questions for Oleg) but I was wondering if the "delay"(?) in the "SoW BoB" development had something to do with the delay of the "new" OpenGL 3.0?

Nothing connected to this fact. Simply BoB is way more complex product and should be a basis for the years ahead.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2) I was wondering if the "RRG's" "Project Galba" had anything to do with the new "SoW" game engine, and if it was a "Korean War" fighter sim...

Korean sim based on BoB engine
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3)I was wondering if maybe you could "wet our appetites" with some of the details of dynamic weather?

1. To much to write.
2. To early that to open for all.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3,a...will their be a historical weather feature (the weather will play out, day by day, as it did in historical records) that matches weather conditions in the game with that day in history?

See above my answer for other similar question.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3,b...will their be a mission building feature where the player can choose weather conditions that "play-out" (example...high pressure sunny day over south England with a "cold front sweeping in from the north") or will it be a "drop down feature" like we have now (clear,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowy)...

Yes. Something like this.
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
4) To what altitude will the "game engine" be modeled...will the FM be accurate above 20,000 feet?

I think you ask above 30,000 (10,000 meters, like in IL-2). And we are speaking not about FM but about changes of air density, etc… FM is one for all altitudes. Conditions changes of environment – air density temperature, etc.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
5) Will their be a "dynamic" nightime sky (changing/accurate star patterns and moon phases) so that we can navigate by the stars? Also this would aid in recreating night time conditions for mission building (full moon or new moon)

Maybe. But not ready yet. We keep it for final development because it isn’t so important like other parts.

Вт 19-02-2008, 19:05
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Зарегистрирован: Пн 03-06-2002, 01:38
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Откуда: От верблюда
Интересно только тем, что будет возможность набирать свои собственные конфигурации вооружения и оборудования самолетов и тем, что работы над 4.09 ведет не МГ, а "сторонняя группа энтузиастов", а сами МГ займутся лишь "проверкой и компиляцией"...

Вы все еще кипятите?

Когда же студент осмелился нахально заявить, что земля круглая и что она ходит вокруг солнца, то толпа мужиков навалилась на студента и стала бить… Били долго, а потом утопили в реке… (c) А. Аверченко
The Armchair Warrior

Вт 19-02-2008, 20:32
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Зарегистрирован: Пт 02-02-2007, 13:09
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нет, мы уже кипим )

"Война идет, это большая война, это 4 года, это столько людей, её нельзя никак забыть!" - Вавилов Иван Степанович

Ср 20-02-2008, 13:35

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
Oleg Maddox писал(а):

Some special damage, work in progress.

Bf110C-4, work in progress.

Do-17, work in progress.

Customizable indicators for no cockpit view. They are half transparent, resizable, and possible to put at any place of the screen. With the release of BoB there will be 3 types of standard indicator sets for no cockpit view – customizable indicators for German, British and Italian side.


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Пн 24-03-2008, 15:48
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск

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Пн 24-03-2008, 15:49
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск

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Пн 24-03-2008, 15:49
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск

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Пн 24-03-2008, 15:50
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
Oleg Maddox писал(а):
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
1. To clarify one answer about atmosphere modeling...Am I right in assuming that you are modeling the atmosphere (air density and temperature) up to 10,000 meters (and no higher)?

In Il-2 some of physical atmospheric parameters are constant above 10,000 meters. It was limited by physical engine of IL-2. Originally it was no plans to continue Il-2 after the first release… we simply didn’t wait so good success. In BoB – not. We will have such things working for way higher altitude.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. I think it really would add enormous atmosphere if we had a bit more communication between the different positions in a bomber. I guess, as in IL2 there won't be four engine bombers flyable but even on twin engine bombers key positions will be the same. The difference will just be the number of gunner positions.

We plan to add some chatter of bomber crew inside.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
I think it really would add something. And it would be great to get a few different accents of actors.

Btw will it be possible to "feed" the KI navigator with a course and he'll give instructions on course? At least for offline playing?

There will be possible to interact with radar systems.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
3. Theres a list of flyable aircraft in Il-2 thats longer than my arm . My question is this ..Why are these planes left off the " list " F4U-4 Corsair , F8F Bearcat , and F7F Tigercat . These aircraft flew and were in combat squadrons . The -4 Corsairs were an improved version and did see considerable service . F7F`s also were deployed as nightfighters off Okinawa . As far as the F8F , they were aboard USS LANGLEY as the atomic bombs were delivered . Is there a reason these fine birds are not available in the game ? Thanks for your time .

It is already many time answered. But for you sure there isn’t present hundreds other planes from different nations. One of the rasons – it is simply impossible physically to make everything and all that flew during the war. We already did so much that nobody else was able.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny

4. is there going to be invisibale trees that you can only see at altiude in SoW?

I don’t understand this question.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny

5. Oleg, Oleg, OLEG!!!!keep Use3Renders=1 !!!!!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am begging you to develop multiple monitors to the maximum possible. I have just begun flying six months ago and I have just got the Matrox Triplehead2Go. It is the most incredible experience I have ever had in sims. Have you flown with this yet? I will buy one for you to try it. I run two nVidia 8800GTX in SLI mode TrackIR and OH MY GOD...Except for a small bug (flashing square that wont go away) it looks incredible!!!! Can you make it happen????

We plan to support this system

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
6. Oleg, what is your favorite plane in IL2? Which ones do you fly the most?

Always prefer 109K-4, but also like very much I-185 and Spits. Sometime I like to fly I-153P if there are early scenarios or on server are novices on more late types of aircraft 

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
7. Will BoB work on Linux? It's programmed in OpenGL so I really hope you can make a Linux-binary. I've stopped using Windows and I don't want to go back. I really look forward to this game/sim. So it would be very nice to be able to play it on Linux, as with Quake.

No Linux. Our market niche isn’t so big like for the Quake-like games. And the profit we get is way smaller. So to spend a lot of time to rework or to make some time totally different basic code we can’t.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
8. The ability to have more than one human player in a multi-crewed plane is really cool. Will this be limited to training, or is there an intention to expand this to other types, like bombers, at some point in the future? Also, can the BoB engine support a new type of coop gameplay? For example, starting a dynamic coop campaign for a bomber. Like if i want to i can play alone, but if my friends can join me online they can be the gunners?
One more small question. Is it possible to have light reflecting off the planes? I was watching the trailers for Mysticpuma's new film project and then i remembered that back in Rowan's Mig Alley you could spot the F86s because their metal finish would occasionally "flash" in the sunlight.

See bellow

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
9. The hot news in this update in particular is not only in the nice model of this aircraft, but in the announcement that you can fly the same plane with a friend online, thus occupying the two seats. As you say, this makes online instructing possible. This is a marvelous feature. If you think it further, the system might possibly allow to exchange pilot seat also in a bomber. Or flying the bomber with a co-pilot. By that way it would finally be possible to occupy a bomber online with a real crew and "observer". Or pilot is killed and co-pilot takes over--or you switch to bomb sight while co-pilot can fly the plane. Did you think about it?

Piloting of Bombers online: Code is totally different to Il-2.
One of the features – the new player joining the game in progress can seat on any free seat at any time replacing AI (of selected side, and if there is no prohibited it by other user in settings for aircraft that he is flying.)

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
10. sorry if this has already been answered, but what is the time line for BoB:SoW going to span? ...
Are well looking at May '40 through September? or will it go on into winter '40/'41?

June 40- October 40

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
11. I'm curious as to the actual gameplay for BOB, particularly for coop online missions. Will it be similar to the IL2 series in that you select your aircraft, read the briefing/map, then start the actual mission? Is the interface basically the same or will it be different in some way?

Different in some way.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
12. I heard a rumour that the interface will be moddable. Is this confirmed? It would be nice if the 3rd party could create a planning screen where it would be possible to make decisions or minor adjustments (eg. exact altitude) prior to launch. Also will the AI be modifiable?

Yes. Part of menus will be editable, but limited to the list of features that we’ll offer.
AI can’t be changed by users. As well as general FM and many other things that will be closed for modification.
The tunings of each plane, especially new that were developed by creative users – will be possible using special our tools (see bellow other answer). However in online in standard modes these tunings and new aircraft will be not possible to use in a common list of aircraft, etc… Or we will get chaos in online and unfair gameplay.
For the 3rd party models – they will be able to play online in a special online mode.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
As for the second question, it is known that this will be a feature, you can even see it in the released videos (taking off using the whole field that is - I don't think anyone knows whether running to your plane will be possible yet).

Yes. The code of take of is completely different to Il-2 

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
13. Oleg, can you tell me if there will be any possibility to create your own landscape or at least some ground obstacles in BOB?

Already told.. After release of BoB itself the first thing we plan to release user friendly tools that to make own objects, planes, cars, ships, and finally - maps. But the size of maps will be limited to small… Because big maps we will do ourselves for the next theaters.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
14. what modifications of Bf110 will be presented in SoW: Only Bf110C-4 or more?

Only C-4 and it will be flyable

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
15. Is it known if the Spitfire and the Hurricane mkIs will be modeled with the 3-bladed De Havilland Constant Speed Propeller? both planes were fitted with them starting in June 1940... Or will the sim start at an earlier date and therefore have both the older 3-bladed 2-pitch DH Hamilton propeller and the later constant speed DH?

Probably both variants. In code it is already.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
also are you planning on including the Spitfire mkII? squadrons started conversion to them in September '40.


Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
16. Will the radiator's of liquid cooled aircraft be modeled? It was a very big target, if not one of the biggest and easiest in WWII, and the fact that its not modeled in IL2-1946 is puzzling.

The work of radiators and coolling systems is modeled in Il-2. But not so complex like in BoB in terms of damage modeling.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Currently, hitting an ammo box full of HE rounds only results in an ammo jam. Will ammo boxes explode in the new DM system?

Probably. Can’t answer at the moment.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
17. Will objects(Ships, Vehicles etc.) be dynamic in dogfight maps?

I already told that there will be two dogfight modes. One like in Il-2 and one with other AI objects.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
19.a, Will - random - weapon jams occur/modelled?

Yes. Epecially on Spitfire Mk IB 
Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
b, Will onboard systems capable of unjamming aircraft guns - on appropriate aircraft - modelled?

Probably on each airlcraft

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
c, Will misting, fogging, freezing oiling of windscreen etc. modelled?

Don’t know at the moment. Low priority in the current moment of development.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
d, Will de-icing devices, windscreen heaters etc. modelled - on appropriate aircraft - to battle these effects?

See above

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
e, Will it be possible to fire a flare from inside the cocpit (like in real planes for signalling, could be fun for MP)

Probably no. If not animated only.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
f, When will Beta start and how can one apply for testing.

I will tell when it will be necessary to tell. And I select only myself beta testers.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
g, Will it be possible to fly night-time bomber missions with Luftwaffe bombers, using historical radio-navigational guidance systems (Knickebein, the most commonly used one; and perhaps even X and Y Systems)
h, What version of propeller system we will get in 109E, the Automatic prop pitch system (mentioned in 1939 manuals) or the fully manual one (which was still in use on some planes during Battle).

We are looking to make some part of it.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
i, To what depth engine management will be modelled complex, and improvement over Il-2`s? Meaning here _not_ detailed startup procedure etc, but for example use of optimal combination of RPM, Mixture, boost to maximize endurance or range (as instructed by real life manuals). Like realistic characteristics of how engines work, a bit more complicated consumption than power x specific consumption gram/liter/hour/horsepower.

Will be.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
j, Will photo-reconnaissance missions implemented (recon bombers, later perhaps recon fighters) on a meaningful level - ie. good shots need to be taken of target actually ?

There is such idea. But I can’t say you 100% sure that it will be in final

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
k, Will there be a good and and more realistic, and especially IMMERSIVE pre-flight briefing.. ie. briefing room, or briefing on the grass airfield, 3D models of the players aircraft warming up, being serviced by mechanics, shots of the target (taken from 3D engine) shown to player about target, with priority targets marked on them. etc.

More realistic than in Il-2, but not the like you want.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
20. In the SOW BOB, will bullets that have hit things just cause some damage (like in IL2) or will they be shred into pieces that can do their own nasty work too? How about explosive cannon rounds? And will pilots & gunners get injured/killed from explosions and shrapnels too instead of only direct hits from bullets(like in IL2)?

In Il-2 you are also may be injured by the explosion of the shell.
In BoB precise of that modeling will be higher.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
21. Hello, I have some questions to Oleg on N1K Shiden.

The present realization automatic a flap brings sets of inconveniences since their use in many cases prevents in fight - at a dive any maneuvers conduct a flap that results to plum of energy or to distortion of a sight to release. As on maneuver, there is a preparation for a capture of anticipation and frequently flaps unexpectedly leave and force down a sight. In this connection a question:

1. Why the system of automatic flaps is realized not switched off, what technical reasons accompanied this?

Because there wasn’t such function in original code. It is possible just one function in this case. Already explained many times in the past.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. Whether probably to realize switching-off of system in release of a patch 4.09m? Whether there is a chance? (I know, that it not big, but...)

There will be no new modifications of code in Il-2. We do nothing new there already more than a year. We simply can’t stop BoB and modify Il-2.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Very much many complain of system, she is certainly very interesting, but would be useful in a case if she can be disconnected.
P.S. Excuse for my bad English, for the best understanding I shall result the text in Russian.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Здравствуйте, я имею несколько вопросов к Олегу по N1K Shiden.

Настоящая реализация автоматических закрылок приносит множества неудобств, т.к. их использование во многих случаях мешает в бою - при пикировании любые маневры ведут к выпуску закрылок, что приводит к сливу энергии или искажению прицела. Так же на маневре, идет подготовка к взятию упреждения и часто закрылки неожиданно выходят и сбивают прицел. В связи с чем вопрос:

1. Почему система автоматических закрылков реализована не выключаемой, какие технические причины сопутствовали этому?

Просто кода такого не было создано заранее… Поэтому было возможно либо одно, либо другое. Уже объяснялось всем когда-то.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. Возможно ли реализовать отключение системы в релизе патча 4.09м? Есть ли шанс? (я знаю, что он не большой, но...)

Нет. Мы больше новым кодом в серии Ил-2 не занимаемся. Мы уже давно не можем переключаться с одного на другой проект. Серия Ил-2 закончена.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Очень многие жалуются на систему, она безусловно очень интересна, но была бы полезна в случае если ее можно будет отключать.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
22. Has the SOW engine been finished yet, and I am just talking about the basic game engine here?

The engine can’t be finished. I think it will be in progress as the first step till release and the second step modification during the life of new series.

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Has any of the flight modeling of any of the planes been completed?


Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
Will it support core 2 and quad core cpu’s?


Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
23. 1. Will SoW be Hyperlobby compatible or only hosted Ubisoft?

How many systems will be will depends of third party only

Quote:Originally Posted by Evgeny
2. Will there be server dedicated server software created by 1C themselves to go along
with the new game ?



Пн 24-03-2008, 15:54
Профиль ICQ WWW
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Зарегистрирован: Сб 22-12-2007, 17:57
Сообщения: 8
Откуда: Томск
Ну ИЛ круче!!!!!

Чт 17-04-2008, 18:10

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
на gamespot хз откуда взялась новая дата релиза: 3Q 2008...
это 3 квартал этого года...

This flight and combat sim lets you become on of the famous 'few'.
Genre: WWII Flight Sim
Release Date: Q3 2008

последняя, обещанная ОМом дата, была "декабрь 07"...

Q: Is December 2007 a realistic release date?
A: I hope and I need.

Ср 07-05-2008, 03:29
Профиль ICQ WWW

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
еще на сухом такая хрень попалась:

на рис №1 представлены характеристики реального Spitfire VIII (двигатель Merlin 66) снятые самописцами в разных режимах полета. данные по реальному спит-8 предоставлены нашим проверенным австралийским товарищем Sean Trestrail, у него друг - владелец такого спита (сволочь и буржуй - придут раскулачивать слова против не скажу).

на рис №2 такие же характеристики снятые из альфа-версии БОБа на спит-1а с винтом постоянного шага.

по-моему очень похоже с учетом разницы в крафтах. лично я столь подробной детализации ВМГ не ожидал.

короче - моделируется все.

каждый цилиндр включая впрыск смеси, карбюратора (переобогащение и обеднение с соотвествующими эффектами), свечи, работа топливного насоса (и топливных магистралей которые можно перебить!). честная модель охлаждения - обьем воды, теплоемкость, площадь радиаторов... опять же с трубками и радиаторами котрые можно перебить - вода вытекает и ...

в общем такой детализации еще не было. и вот все это добро собрали воедино и запустили в виде модели - и оказалось что оно работает правильно работает! сравнение диаграмм с реальным спитом это подтверждает.

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Ср 07-05-2008, 07:25
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Зарегистрирован: Вт 06-05-2008, 19:39
Сообщения: 32
Всё фигня в ИЛ_2 скоко самолетов(летабельнах).Правильно очень много!:?:

Сб 10-05-2008, 17:31

Зарегистрирован: Сб 03-03-2007, 16:41
Сообщения: 567
Откуда: Надым-Томск
заметил закономерность - те, кто негативно высказываются о подобного рода
аспектах игры - совершенно не разбираются в вопросе...

во-первых: как можно сравнивать игры, одна из которых еще не вышла,
а другой уже 6-7 лет?

во-вторых: дело не в том, сколько самолетов реализовано, а в их качестве и реалистичности...

сказать, что ил2 сегодня это жесткий симулятор и идеал - бред сивой кобылы..
по совокупному мнению комьюнити там очень много ошибок в плане ФМ...

по мне так лучше 15-20 качественно исполненных самолетов, чем полторы сотни летающих бревен...

Сб 10-05-2008, 18:11
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Зарегистрирован: Чт 28-02-2008, 18:43
Сообщения: 2276
Откуда: Томск, Лоскутово
Самолеты должны быть один в один с их реальными собратьями не только по виду, но и по характеристикам.

"Ты проиграл если утратил веру в себя."(c)

Сб 10-05-2008, 18:25
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